divine [dɪ'vaɪn] adjective GOD-LIKE 似神一样的 ■connected with a god, or like a god 神的;像神一样的•The Ayatollah described the earthquake in Iran as a divine test.那位阿亚图拉把伊朗发生的地震说成是神的一次考验。 •Some fans seem to regard footballers as divine beings.有些球迷似乎把球员神化了。 •England have fallen so far behind in the championship that their only hope of victory is divine intervention (= help from God).英格兰队在此次锦标赛中的名次已经远远落后了,他们获胜的唯一希望就是要靠神来帮忙了。 •Just because you've been promoted that doesn't give you a divine right (= one like that of a god) to tell us all what to do.获得晋升并不等于你有权像神一样对我们发号施令。 [dɪ'vaɪn] adjective SPLENDID 极佳的 old-fashioned ■extremely good, pleasant or enjoyable 极好的,美妙的,美好的•We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland.我们在瑞士渡过了一段非常美好的时光。 •Their new house is quite divine!他们的新房子相当棒! [dɪ'vaɪn] verb GUESS 猜测 transitive ■to guess something 猜,猜测;估计•[+ that] I divined from his grim expression that the news was not good.他的表情很严肃,我猜不是甚么好消息。 [dɪ'vaɪn] verb SEARCH 搜索 intransitive or transitive ■to search for water or minerals underground by holding horizontally in your hands a Y-shaped rod or stick, the end of which suddenly points down slightly when water or minerals are below it (用丫形杖)探测(地下水或矿藏)•a divining rod探矿杖 |