distant ['dɪs.tənt] adjective NOT CLOSE 遥远的 IMPROVER ■far away 遥远的,远方的•a distant country遥远的国家 •She could hear the distant sound of fireworks exploding.她能听到远处放烟花的声音。 ■part of your family but not closely related 远房的,远亲的•a distant relative/cousin远房亲戚/表弟 in the distant past/future ■far away in the past or future 在遥远的过去/将来•At some point in the distant future I would like to have my own house.将来我要拥有自己的房子。 in the not-too-distant future ■quite soon 在不久的将来•They plan to have children in the not-too-distant future.他们打算在不远的将来要孩子。 ['dɪs.tənt] adjective NOT FRIENDLY 冷漠的 ■describes someone who does not show much emotion and is not friendly 拒人千里的,不亲近的,冷漠的•She seemed cold and distant.她似乎很冷漠,不容易接近。 |