amalgam [ə'mæl.gəm] noun METALS 多种金属 uncountable specialized ■a mixture of mercury and another metal, especially one used by dentists to repair teeth (尤指牙医用来补牙的)汞合金,汞齐•an amalgam filling汞合金补牙填料 [ə'mæl.gəm] noun MIXTURE 混合物 only singular ■a combination of parts that create a complete whole 混合物;综合体•The show was a wonderful amalgam of dance, music and drama.这场表演出神入化地将舞蹈、音乐和戏剧融为一体。 •Nearly every new parent feels an amalgam of joy and terror.几乎每一个初为父母的人都会感到既喜悦又恐惧。 |