demand UK [dɪ'mɑ:nd] US [-'mænd] verb transitive REQUEST 要求 ESSENTIAL ■to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused 坚决请求,强烈要求;强要•I demanded an explanation.我要求给我一个解释。 •The car workers' union is demanding a 7% pay rise this year.汽车工会要求今年加薪7%。 •He has always demanded the highest standards of behaviour from his children.他总是以最高的行为准则来要求自己的孩子。 •[+ speech] "And where do you think you're going?" demanded the police officer.“你觉得自己在往哪里去?”员警问道。 •[+ to infinitive] I demand to see the manager.我要求见经理。 •[+ that] She demanded that he return the books he borrowed from her.她要求他把从她那里借走的书还回来。 UK [dɪ'mɑ:nd] US [-'mænd] verb transitive NEED 需求 ■to need something such as time, effort, or a particular quality 需要,要求•This is a very difficult piece of music to play - it demands a lot of concentration.这段乐曲很难演奏——需要注意力高度集中。 •He seems to lack many of the qualities demanded of (= needed by) a successful politician.他似乎缺少成功政治家所应具备的很多素质。 UK [dɪ'mɑ:nd] US [-'mænd] noun REQUEST 要求 ESSENTIAL countable ■a strong request 强烈的要求,坚决的请求•You can't give in to children's demands all the time.你不能总是对孩子们的要求作出让步。 •The government is unlikely to agree to the rebels' demands for independence.政府不可能同意叛乱者提出的独立要求。 •UK They received a final demand (= a last request) for payment.他们收到了要求付款的最后通牒。 UK [dɪ'mɑ:nd] US [-'mænd] noun NEED 需求 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■a need for something to be sold or supplied 需求•There was little demand for tickets.很少有人来买票。 •Good teachers are always in (great) demand (= are always needed).社会总是需要(大量的)优秀教师。 demands [plural] ■the difficult things that you have to do (困难的)要求•The demands of nursing are too great for a lot of people.护理工作的要求之高令很多人都难以承受。 •His new job makes a lot of demands on him (= he has to work very hard).新工作对他要求很高。 |