December UK [dɪ'sem.bər] US [-bɚ] (written abbreviation Dec) noun countable or uncountable ESSENTIAL ■the twelfth and last month of the year, after November and before January 十二月•23(rd) December/December 23(rd)12月23日 •We went to Mexico on the twelfth of December/December the twelfth/ mainly USDecember twelfth.12月12日我们去了墨西哥。 •Their baby was born last /is expected next December.他们的孩子是去年12月出生的/预计今年12月出生。 •My parents got married in/during December.我父母是在12月结婚的。 •It was one of the coldest Decembers ever.那是极冷的一个12月。 |