debit ['deb.ɪt] noun countable or uncountable ■(a record of) money taken out of a bank account 借项•The account was in debit at the end of the month (= more money had been spent than was in the account at that time).月底帐面出现入不敷支。 •Debits are shown in the left-hand column.借方纪录展示在左边一栏里。 Compare credit ['deb.ɪt] verb transitive ■to take money out of an account or keep a record of this 借记•The bank debited my account.银行从我的帐户上扣去存款。 •The bank debited the money from my account.银行从我的帐户上扣去存款。 •The unauthorised borrowing fee will be debited to your account.未经许可的借贷费用会记在你的帐上。 |