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单词 cut
释义 cut
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to break the surface of something, or to divide or make something smaller, using a sharp tool, especially a knife (尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁
cut a slice of bread切一片面包
I've cut myself/my hand on that glass/ with that knife.我被那片玻璃/那把小刀割伤了(手)。
Cut the meat up into small pieces.把肉切成小片。
This knife doesn't cut very well, it's not sharp enough.这把刀不好切,不够锋利。
Where did you have your hair cut ?你在哪里理的发?
[+ obj + adj] Firefighters had to cut the trapped driver loose/free (= cut the metal, etc. to allow the driver to get out of the car) using special equipment.消防员们不得不动用特殊器械切开汽车,救出受困的司机。
He fell off the swing and cut his head open (= got a deep cut in his head).他从秋千上摔下来,头上割了道口子。
He cut the cake in/into six (pieces) and gave each child a slice.他把蛋糕切成六块,分给孩子每人一块。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to make something shorter, lower, smaller, etc. 减少;缩短;降低;削减
to cut prices/costs降低价格/成本
to cut overtime/wages缩短加班时间/降低工资
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to remove something from something else 剪辑;删节;删除
The sex scenes had been cut out of the English version of the film.该电影英文版中的性爱镜头都给剪掉了。
cut and paste
■to move words or pictures from one place to another in a computer document (电脑档中文字或图片的)剪贴
cut sb out of your will
■to decide not to leave someone any of your money or possessions when you die, because you are angry with them 剥夺(某人)的继承权
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
transitive mainly US informal
■to not go, especially to a place where you should be 缺席,未去
Your son has been cutting classes.你儿子一直在逃学。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
intransitive or transitive
■to stop or interrupt something 停止;中断;切断;打断
to cut an engine/a motor关上引擎/马达
"Cut! (= Stop filming!) " shouted the director.“停!”导演喊道。
cut sb short
■to stop someone from talking before they have finished what they were saying 打断(某人)的话
He started to explain, but she cut him short, saying she had to catch a bus.他开始解释,可是她打断他的话,说自己还要赶公车。
Cut it/that out! informal
■used to tell someone to stop talking or stop behaving in an annoying way 别说了!停下!别闹了!
Just cut it out! I've had enough of your silly jokes.住嘴!你那些无聊的笑话我听够了。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut a tooth
■(of a baby) to grow a new tooth (婴儿)出牙
The baby's cutting a tooth. That's why she's crying all the time.这个婴儿正在长牙,难怪她哭个没完。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
intransitive usually + adverb or preposition
■to go through or across a place, especially in order to get somewhere quickly 走近路,抄近道
to cut through an alleyway/passage抄近道穿过小巷/走廊
cut a corner UK
■to fail to keep to your own side of the road when going round a corner 转弯时进入逆行道
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
intransitive or transitive
■to choose a playing card by dividing a pile of cards into two parts (为选牌而)切(牌)
Who's going to cut the cards?谁来切牌?
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
■to record music or speech on a record 灌制(唱片);录制(讲话)
When did Elvis cut his first record?猫王艾维斯的首张唱片是何时录制的?
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
be cut up UK
■to be upset 伤心,难过
Philip was very cut up about his grandmother's death.祖母的去世令菲腊悲痛万分。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
can't cut it (also can't cut the mustard) US
■to not be able to deal with problems or difficulties satisfactorily 做不了;不符合条件;不如人意
If he can't cut it, then we'll get someone else to do the job.要是他做不了这工作,那我们就另请高明。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut sb dead
■to pretend you do not know someone in order to show you are angry 不理睬(某人),假装不认识(某人)
I said "Good Morning" but he just cut me dead.我说“早上好”,可是他根本不理睬我。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut sb down to size
■to show someone that they are not as clever or important as they think they are 使(某人)有自知之明;挫(某人)的傲气
Someone should cut that man down to size!应该有人挫挫他的锐气!
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut your losses
■to avoid losing any more money than you have already lost 及时放弃无利可图之事;知难而退;及早撒手
Let's cut our losses and sell the business before prices drop even further.我们趁早收手,在价格继续下跌之前把店卖掉。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut your political/professional, etc. teeth
■to get your first experience of the type mentioned 初次获得政治/职业等经验;初次涉足政治/初入职场等
The Prime Minister cut her political teeth on student debates.首相在学生时代参加辩论时初涉政治。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut sb some slack informal
■to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time 给(某人)方便;对(某人)网开一面
"Andrew's late again." "Cut him some slack - his wife's just had a baby."“安德鲁又迟到了。”“对他就网开一面吧——他妻子刚生小孩”
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut to the chase informal
■to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important 开门见山;直接切入主题
I didn't have long to talk so I cut to the chase and asked whether he was still married.我的时间不多,所以就开门见山地问他是否还是已婚。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut (sb) to the quick
■to hurt someone's feelings a lot 严重伤害(某人的感情)
Her thoughtless remark cut him to the quick.她冒失的话深深伤了他的心。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut a fine figure (also cut quite a figure/dash) old-fashioned
■to cause people to admire you because of your appearance 穿得惹人注目,显得很出众
The young soldier cut a fine figure in his smart new uniform.年轻的士兵身着漂亮的新制服很是抢眼。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut a swathe through sth
■to destroy a large part of something or kill many of a group of people 把…夷为平地;严重摧毁;大批杀戮
The storm cut a swathe through the village.那场暴风雨使村子遭到严重破坏。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut both/two ways
■If you say something cuts both/two ways, you think it has both a good and a bad side. 是把双刃剑;有好也有坏,利弊互见
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut corners
■to do something in the easiest, cheapest or fastest way (做事)图省事,贪便宜,取捷径
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut it/things fine
■to allow very little time for something 时间紧迫
She arrived ten minutes before her flight, so she was cutting it a bit fine.直到起飞前十分钟她赶到,时间太紧迫了。
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut loose US
■to behave in an uncontrolled, wild way 无拘无束;随心所欲;无法无天
[kʌt] verb (cutting, cut, cut)
cut no ice with sb
■to not cause someone to change their opinion or decision 没能使(某人)改变主意;对(某人)不起作用
I've heard her excuses and they cut no ice with me.我听过她的借口,它们对我不管用。
§/kʌt/cut 1




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