cuff [kʌf] noun countable MATERIAL 材料 ■the thicker material at the end of a sleeve nearest the hand 袖口 ■US (UK turn-up) ■the part of a trouser leg that is turned up (裤脚的)翻边 [kʌf] noun countable HIT 击打 ■when you hit someone with your hand in a light, joking way (开玩笑地)轻拍,轻打•She gave him a playful cuff on the shoulder.她顽皮地在他肩头轻拍了一下。 [kʌf] noun countable HANDCUFFS 手铐 cuffs [plural] informal for ■handcuffs [kʌf] noun countable off the cuff ■If you speak off the cuff, you say something without having prepared or thought about your words first 未经准备;未加思索;即兴地•I hadn't prepared a speech so I just said a few words off the cuff.我没准备发言,所以就随便说了几句。 •an off-the-cuff remark即兴评论 [kʌf] verb transitive HIT 击打 ■to hit someone with your hand in a light, joking way (开玩笑地)轻拍,轻打•His brother cuffed him playfully round the head.他哥哥开玩笑地在他头上拍了几下。 [kʌf] verb transitive HANDCUFFS 手铐 informal ■to put someone's hands in handcuffs (为某人)戴上手铐•He was led out of the dock with his hands cuffed behind his back.他被带下被告席时双手被铐在背后。 |