crank [kræŋk] noun STRANGE PERSON 怪人 countable informal ■a person who has strange or unusual ideas and beliefs 怪人,古怪的人 [kræŋk] noun UNPLEASANT PERSON 讨厌的人 countable US informal ■an unpleasant and easily annoyed person 讨厌的人;坏脾气的人•She's always a crank first thing in the morning.她早上一起来总爱发脾气。 [kræŋk] noun EQUIPMENT 设备 countable ■a device which causes movement between parts of a machine or which changes backward and forward movement into circular movement 曲柄,曲轴•a crank handle曲柄把手 [kræŋk] noun DRUG 药品 uncountable US ■a type of illegal drug 一种非法药品 [kræŋk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] crank sth out US informal ■to produce something with no special care or effort 草草生产•Like clockwork, he cranks out a new book every year.像钟表那么精准,他每年随便就出一部新书。 [kræŋk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] crank sth up informal ■to increase or improve something 增加;改善•crank up the volume/pressure调高音量/增加压力 |