counter UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable SURFACE 表面 ADVANCED ■a long flat narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. at which people are served 柜枱•There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.我进银行时柜枱后没人,我只得等候有人出来服务。 •You will find sausages on the meat counter/rolls on the bread counter.你会在肉柜枱找到香肠/在面包柜枱找到面包卷。 ■mainly US ■a worktop (= flat surface in a kitchen, on which food can be prepared) (厨房)操作枱,料理枱•We stacked the dirty plates on the kitchen counter.我们把脏碟子堆放在厨房的料理枱上。 UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable OBJECT 物体 (US also piece) ■a small object used to mark someone's place in some games played on boards 筹码 UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable NUMBER 数位 ■a person or machine that counts 计数的人;计数器,计算器 ⇒ See also Geiger counter UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable over the counter ■Drugs that are bought over the counter are bought in a shop without first visiting a doctor (买药)不用处方,在药店购买•You can buy most cold remedies over the counter.大多数感冒药不用处方就能买到。 •over-the-counter medicines非处方药 UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable under the counter ■Things bought under the counter are bought secretly and illegally (购买东西)秘密地,暗地里,非法地•He'd managed to get cigarettes under the counter.他暗中搞到了些香烟。 UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] verb intransitive or transitive ■to react to something with an opposing opinion or action; to defend yourself against something 反驳;反对;对抗•The Prime Minister countered the opposition's claims about health service cuts by saying that the government had increased spending in this area.首相反驳了反对党关于社会保健服务开支被削减的说法,称政府已增加了这方面的开支。 •When criticisms were made of the school's performance, the parents' group countered with details of its examination results.当有人对学校的表现提出批评时,家长会举出具体的考试成绩予以反驳。 •Extra police have been moved into the area to counter the risk of violence.加派了员警进驻该地区以镇压可能出现的暴力事件。 UK ['kaʊn.tər] US [-tˌɚ] adverb ■in a way that opposes 相反地;对立地•Bob's decision not to take the job ran counter to his family's expectations.鲍勃不接受这份工作的决定与其家人的期望相悖。 |