countenance formal noun UK [ˈkaʊn.tə.nənts] US [-tən.ənts] FACE 脸 countable or uncountable ■the appearance or expression of someone's face 面容;脸色;面部表情•He was of noble countenance.他的面容显得很高贵。 formal noun UK [ˈkaʊn.tə.nənts] US [-tən.ənts] APPROVAL 赞同 uncountable ■approval •We will not give/lend countenance to any kind of terrorism.我们不赞同任何形式的恐怖主义。 formal verb transitive UK [ˈkaʊn.tə.nənts] US [-tən.ənts/ ■to find acceptable; to approve of or give support to 接受,认可;赞同;支援•The school will not countenance bad behaviour.学校不会支援不端行为。 |