contempt [kən'tempt] noun uncountable NO RESPECT 不尊敬 ADVANCED ■a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something 蔑视;鄙视;轻视;轻蔑•At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers.在学校读书时她对所有老师都不屑一顾。 •You should treat those remarks with the contempt that they deserve.你理应对那些话不屑一顾。 •She's beneath contempt (= I have no respect for her) !她为人所不齿! hold sb/sth in contempt ■to feel contempt for someone or something 对…不屑一顾 [kən'tempt] noun uncountable NOT OBEYING 不服从 (also contempt of court) legal ■behaviour that is illegal because it does not obey or respect the rules of a law court 藐视法庭(罪)•The tobacco companies may be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to produce the documents.烟草公司可能会因为拒不出示文件而被判藐视法庭罪。 |