释义 |
compelling [kəm'pel.ɪŋ] adjective STRONG 很有说服力的 ■If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong (理由、论证等)令人信服的,很有说服力的•compelling evidence强而有力的证据 •It's a fairly compelling argument for going.去的理由很有说服力。 [kəm'pel.ɪŋ] adjective EXCITING 扣人心弦的 ■very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen 引人入胜的;激动人心的;扣人心弦的•I found the whole film very compelling.我觉得整部影片都很引人入胜。 •a compelling story扣人心弦的故事 |