commanding UK [kə'mɑ:n.dɪŋ] US [-'mæn-] adjective WITH AUTHORITY 有权力的 [before noun] ■having the authority to give orders 指挥的,统帅的,负责下命令的•a commanding officer指挥官 ■describes a voice or manner which seems to have authority and therefore demands your attention (声音或举止)威严的•his commanding presence他的威严气度 UK [kə'mɑ:n.dɪŋ] US [-'mæn-] adjective STRONG POSITION 有利地位 [before noun] ■in a very successful position and likely to win or succeed 处于(有望取胜或成功的)有利地位的•He has a commanding lead in the championships.他在锦标赛中遥遥领先。 UK [kə'mɑ:n.dɪŋ] US [-'mæn-] adjective a commanding position/view formal ■a position or view from which a lot of land can be seen 居高临下的位置/开阔的视野•The house occupies a commanding position at the top of the valley.这所房子位于山谷顶上一个居高临下的位置。 |