comfortable UK ['kʌmp.fə.tə.bl] US [-fɚ.tˌə-] adjective CLOTHES/FURNITURE 衣服/家俱 ESSENTIAL ■describes furniture and clothes that provide a pleasant feeling and that do not give you any physical problems (家俱和衣服)舒适的,舒服的,令人惬意的•a comfortable bed/sofa舒适的床/沙发 •comfortable shoes/trousers舒服的鞋子/裤子 UK ['kʌmp.fə.tə.bl] US [-fɚ.tˌə-] adjective PHYSICALLY OKAY 舒坦的 ESSENTIAL ■relaxed and free from pain 舒服的;舒坦的;轻松自在的•Are you comfortable or shall I turn the heat down?你觉得舒服吗?还是要我把暖气调低点? •I don't feel comfortable in high heels.穿高跟鞋我觉得不舒服。 •Do sit down and make your self comfortable.请坐,别拘束。 ■describes an ill or injured person in hospital who is not feeling too much pain (医院的病人或伤者)感觉不太痛的 UK ['kʌmp.fə.tə.bl] US [-fɚ.tˌə-] adjective NO PROBLEMS 放心的 ■If you are comfortable with a situation, you are not worried about it 放心的,安心的;欣慰的•I'm not comfortable with the idea of leaving her on her own.要把她一个人留下来,我可不放心。 UK ['kʌmp.fə.tə.bl] US [-fɚ.tˌə-] adjective ENOUGH MONEY 富足的 ■having enough money for a good standard of living (生活)舒适的,安逸的,富足的•They're not fabulously rich or anything, but they're quite comfortable.他们算不上特别富有,但还算富足。 UK ['kʌmp.fə.tə.bl] US [-fɚ.tˌə-] adjective EASY WIN 轻易取胜 ■If you win a game or competition by a comfortable amount, you win easily (在比赛中)轻松的,轻而易举的•a comfortable lead/victory轻松领先/取胜 UK ['kʌmp.fə.tə.bl] US [-fɚ.tˌə-] adjective Common Learner Errors comfortableWarning: Check your spelling!Comfortable is one of the 50 words most often spelled wrongly by learners.Remember: the correct spelling has 'm', and not 'n'. |