collision [kə'lɪʒ.ən] noun ACCIDENT 意外 countable or uncountable ■an accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other with force (车辆的)碰撞,相撞•There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.在高速公路南向路段上发生了一宗撞车事故。 •Two drivers were killed in a head-on (= direct) collision between a car and a taxi last night.昨晚,一辆轿车与一辆计程车迎面相撞,两名司机身亡。 •The cyclist was in collision with a bus.那个骑脚踏车的人与一辆公车相撞。 [kə'lɪʒ.ən] noun DIFFERENCE 冲突 countable ■a strong disagreement 冲突,抵触•There was a collision of interests/opinions.存在利益冲突/意见不合。 [kə'lɪʒ.ən] noun be on a collision course ■If two or more people or groups are on a collision course, they are doing or saying things which are certain to cause a serious disagreement or fight between them 必然导致冲突;势必发生冲突•All attempts at diplomacy have broken down and the two states now appear to be on a collision course.所有的外交努力都失败了,现在两国发生冲突似乎在所难免。 |