code UK [kəʊd] US [koʊd] noun LANGUAGE 语言 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■a system of words, letters or signs which is used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters or signals which is used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form 密码;代号;代码•The message was written in code.电报是用密码写的。 •She managed to decipher/break/crack (= succeed in understanding) the code.她成功地破译了密码。 •Each entry in this dictionary has a grammar code.这本词典的每个词条都有一个文法标记。 UK [kəʊd] US [koʊd] noun RULES 法规 IMPROVER countable ■a set of rules which are accepted as general principles, or a set of written rules which state how people in a particular organization or country should behave 法典;法规•Clinics will be subject to a new code of conduct and stronger controls by local authorities.诊所将要遵守新的行业规范,并受到地方当局更有力的掌控。 countable ■a set of principles that are accepted and used by society or a particular group of people 行为准则;规范;规矩•a moral code道德规范 •a code of behaviour/ethics行为/道德准则 UK [kəʊd] US [koʊd] verb transitive ■to represent a message in code so that it can only be understood by the person who is meant to receive it 把…译成密码;用密码写 |