cocoon [kə'ku:n] noun COVER 覆盖物 countable ■the covering made of soft smooth threads that surrounds and protects particular insects during the pupa stage as they develop into adult form 茧;卵袋 [kə'ku:n] noun PROTECTED PLACE 受保护的地方 countable usually singular ■a safe quiet place 安全宁静的地方;避风港•the warm, safe cocoon of childhood童年生活的温馨安逸、备受呵护 [kə'ku:n] verb transitive usually passive ■to protect someone or something from pain or an unpleasant situation 给…加上保护层,将…裹住•As a student you're cocooned against/from the real world.作为一名学生,你处在与现实世界隔离的环境之中。 |