cheek [tʃi:k] noun FACE 脸颊 IMPROVER countable ■the soft part of your face which is below your eye and between your mouth and ear 脸颊,面颊,脸蛋•The tears ran down her cheeks.泪水顺着她的脸颊滑下。 •rosy cheeks红润的脸蛋 •He embraced her, kissing her on both cheeks.他拥抱她,亲吻她的双颊。 [tʃi:k] noun BEHAVIOUR 行为 [S or U] UK ■behaviour or talk that is rude and shows no respect 厚脸皮,厚颜无耻;放肆•He told me off for being late when he arrived half an hour after me. What a cheek!他比我晚到半小时居然还责备我迟到。真是厚颜无耻! •[+ to infinitive] She's got some cheek to take your car without asking.她问也不问就开你的车,真有点太放肆了。 •He had the cheek to ask me to pay for her!他竟厚着脸皮要我替她付帐! •She's always getting into trouble for giving her teachers cheek (= being rude to them).她总是因为对老师无礼而惹麻烦。 [tʃi:k] noun BOTTOM 屁股 countable informal ■either of the two halves of your bottom 半边屁股 [tʃi:k] noun cheek by jowl ■very close together 紧靠在一起,紧挨着•The poor lived cheek by jowl in industrial mining towns in Victorian England.在维多利亚时代的英格兰,穷人密密匝匝地挤住在工业矿镇上。 [tʃi:k] verb transitive UK informal ■to be rude to someone 对…无礼,对…不懂规矩•He's always getting into trouble for cheeking his teachers.他总是因为对老师不礼貌而惹麻烦。 |