chauvinist UK ['ʃəʊ.vɪ.nɪst] US ['ʃoʊ-] (also chauvinistic) disapproving adjective ■believing or showing an unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best or most important (大国)沙文主义;本国至上主义,本族至上主义•The crowd was enthusiastically singing chauvinistic patriotic songs.人群热情地唱着沙文主义的爱国歌曲。 ■believing or behaving as if women are naturally less important, intelligent or able than men 大男人主义•It is a deeply chauvinist community where the few women who have jobs are ridiculed.这是个大男人主义风行的地区,少有的几个有工作的妇女还遭到嘲笑。 |