释义 |
burning UK ['bɜ:.nɪŋ] US ['bɝ:-] adjective FIRE 火 ADVANCED ■on fire 燃烧的•A man staggered from the burning car.一个男子跌跌撞撞地从燃烧着的车里逃出来。 UK ['bɜ:.nɪŋ] US ['bɝ:-] adjective HOT 热 ■very hot 感到很热•burning sand炽热的沙 •Suddenly she felt a burning (sensation) (= feeling of heat) in her throat.她突然感觉到喉咙里热辣辣的。 UK ['bɜ:.nɪŋ] US ['bɝ:-] adjective STRONG 强烈 ■A burning desire , need, etc., is one that is very strong (愿望、需求等)强烈的,迫切的•a burning ambition野心勃勃 •He spoke of his burning desire to play for England.他谈到非常希望为英国队效力。 burning issue/question ■a subject or question that must be dealt with or answered quickly 当务之急,极待解决的问题 |