woe UK [wəʊ] US [woʊ] noun woes [plural] formal ■great problems or troubles 困难;灾难;不幸•The country has been beset by economic woes for the past decade.过去十年来这个国家一直受到经济困难的困扰。 •Unusually poor harvests have added to the country's woes.罕见的差收成加剧了该国的灾难。 uncountable literary ■extreme sadness 悲伤;悲哀•Her face was lined and full of woe.她满脸皱纹,一副悲伤的表情。 •He told me a real tale of woe about how he had lost both his job and his house in the same week.他给我讲了一个真实的不幸遭遇,是关于他如何在一周内既失业又失去房子。 UK [wəʊ] US [woʊ] noun woe betide sb ■said when there will be trouble for someone, or they will be punished, if they do a particular thing (某人)要倒楣(或遭殃)•This is the second time he's been sent home from school this week, so woe betide him if it happens again!这是他本周内第二次从学校被赶回了家,要是再发生一次这样的事,他就要倒楣了。 UK [wəʊ] US [woʊ] noun woe is me old use or humorous ■said to express how unhappy you are 苦啊;惨哪•I'm cold and wet and I haven't even got enough money for my bus fare home. Oh woe is me!我又冷又湿,连买张回家的公共汽车票的钱也不够。真是惨啊! |