wage [weɪdʒ] noun only singular (also wages [plural]) ESSENTIAL ■a fixed amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education (尤指支付给体力劳动者并通常按周计算的)工资,工钱,报酬•a very low/high wage非常低/高的工资 •an hourly/daily/weekly/annual wage按小时/日/周/年支付的工资 •He gets/earns/is paid a good wage, because he works for a fair employer.他的薪水很不错,因为他的老板奖惩公平。 •The smaller shops pay very low wages.小一点的商店支付的工资都很低。 Compare income ; salary [weɪdʒ] verb transitive slightly formal ■to fight a war or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something 发动(战争);组织,筹备(活动)•Surely the President needs Congress' permission to wage war on another country?想必总统须得到国会的许可才能对他国发动战争吧? •They've been waging a long campaign to change the law.他们为修改这一法律已组织发起了一场持久的运动。 |