vent [vent] noun OPENING 开口 countable ■a small opening which allows air, smoke or gas to enter or leave a closed space 通风口;排气口•If you have a gas fire in a room, you should have some kind of outside vent.如果你的屋里有煤气炉,那你就应该有个通向外面的排气口。 countable ■a cut in the bottom of a piece of clothing to allow the person wearing it to move more easily (衣物的)开衩,衩口•The skirt is long and straight with two side vents.这条裙子是很长的直筒裙,两侧开衩。 [vent] noun EXPRESS FEELINGS 表达感情 give vent to sth ■to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way (常指不公地)发泄(负面情绪)•The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to give vent to their feelings.这次会议将给每个人一吐为快的机会。 [vent] verb transitive ■to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way 发泄,表达(负面的情绪)•Please don't shout - there's no need to vent your frustration/anger/rage/spleen on me.请不要大吵大闹——没有必要把气撒在我身上。 |