释义 |
venerable ['ven.ər.ə.bl] adjective formal ■deserving respect because of age, high position or religious or historical importance 德高望重的;令人尊敬的;崇高神圣的•a venerable tradition/company/family备受推崇的传统/久负盛名的公司/德高望重的家族 ■informal mainly humorous ■describes something that has been in use, or someone who has been involved in something, for a long time 古老的;古董般的•In recent years there has been a noticeable decline in such venerable British institutions as afternoon tea and the Sunday roast.最近几年,诸如下午茶、周末烤肉之类的古老英国习俗已经明显不那么流行了。 |