triumph ['traɪ.əmpf] noun countable or uncountable IMPROVER ■a very great success, achievement or victory (= when you win a war, fight or competition) , or a feeling of great satisfaction or pleasure caused by this 巨大成功;胜利;狂喜•The book celebrates the hostages' remarkable triumph over appalling adversity.这本书颂扬人质脱离可怕险境的壮举。 •The signing of the agreement was a personal triumph for the Prime Minister.签订该协议对首相而言是一项伟大的个人成就。 •It was the Republican Party's third election triumph in a row.这是共和党连续第三次赢得选举胜利。 •The eradication of smallpox by vaccination was one of medicine's greatest triumphs.透过接种疫苗根除天花是医学上最伟大的成就之一。 •The constitutional changes have been hailed as a triumph for democracy.宪法改革被誉为民主政治所取得的一项重大成就。 •The match ended in triumph for the French team.比赛以法国队获胜而告终。 •He returned in triumph from the sales with a half-price stereo system.他从拍卖会回来的时候,兴高采烈地抱着半价买来的立体声音响。 ['traɪ.əmpf] verb intransitive ■to have a very great success or victory 巨大成功;胜利•I believe that sooner or later good must triumph over evil.我相信正义终究要战胜邪恶。 •The Democrats once again triumphed in recent elections.民主党人在最近的选举中再次获胜。 |