trendy ['tren.di] adjective informal ADVANCED ■modern and influenced by the most recent fashions or ideas 时髦的;受新潮思想影响的•trendy clothes时髦服装 •a trendy nightclub时髦的夜总会 •He writes for some trendy magazine for the under-30s.他替一本以30岁以下读者为对象的时尚杂志撰稿。 ['tren.di] noun countable informal mainly disapproving ■a person who is very influenced by the most recent ideas and fashions 爱时髦的人;赶时髦的人•This is where all the North London trendies go for a night out.这是伦敦北部所有爱时髦的人晚上出没的地方。 |