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单词 trade
释义 trade
[treɪd] noun
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries 贸易;交易;买卖
The country's trade in manufactured goods has expanded in the last ten years.该国的工业品贸易在最近十年里扩大了规模。
Seventy per cent of the country's trade is with Europe.该国70%的贸易是和欧洲做的。
The two countries have signed a trade agreement for one year only.这两个国家签署了一项为期仅一年的贸易协定。
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■business activity 生意
Since the supermarket opened, many small local shops have lost up to 50% of their trade.自从这家超市开张后,当地许多小商店失去了一半的生意。
In hot weather, shops do a roaring/brisk trade in (= selling a lot of) cold drinks and ice creams.天热时,商店里的冷饮和霜淇淋生意非常好。
This level of confidence in the economy is good for trade generally.人们对经济的信心水准如此,对进行贸易有利。
[treɪd] noun
 IMPROVER  countable
■a particular business or industry 行业
the building/catering/tourist trade建筑/饮食服务/旅游行业
the book/car/fur trade图书/汽车/皮毛制品行业
He worked in the same trade all his life.他终身从事同一行业。
 IMPROVER  countable or uncountable
■a job, especially one which needs special skill and which involves working with your hands (尤指需要特殊技术和手工劳动的)职业,行当
After she left school, she went to college to learn a trade.她中学毕业后去一家技术学院学一门手艺。
He's a carpenter by trade.他是做木工工作的。
the trade only singular
■the people who work in a particular business or industry or in the same one (特定或同一行业的)从业者
People who work in the trade can buy their books at a discount.同行购书可以打折。
The company only supplies its goods to the (building/catering) trade, not direct to the public.这家公司只向(建筑/饮食服务)从业者提供货物,而不直接面向公众。
[treɪd] adjective
trade publication/journal/magazine/paper
■a newspaper, etc. produced for people working in a particular business or industry 行业出版物/期刊/杂志/报纸
a steel industry trade journal钢铁工业的行业刊物
[treɪd] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep]
■to buy and sell goods or services, especially between countries (尤指国与国之间)从事(…)贸易,进行(…)交易
For centuries, Native Americans traded with European settlers.美洲印第安人和欧洲殖民者做了几百年生意。
The company has been trading in oil for many years.该公司做石油生意已经有许多年了。
The two countries have become close trading partners.两国已经成为关系密切的贸易伙伴。
Our books are traded right across Asia.我们的书在全亚洲销售。
⇒ See also horsetrade
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to be bought and sold, or to buy and sell shares , on the stock exchange (在证券交易所)买卖,交易
On London's Stock Exchange, 18.5 million shares were traded yesterday.昨天伦敦证券交易所成交股票1850万股。
Shares in the company traded actively.该公司的股票交易活跃。
[treɪd] verb
■to exchange something, or to stop using or doing something and start using or doing something else instead 交换;改换,更换
The children traded comics.孩子们交换了连环漫画。
[+ two objects] I'll trade you some of my chocolate for some of your ice cream.我愿意用些巧克力换些你的霜淇淋。
I wouldn't trade you for the world (= I do not want a different partner).除了你,我谁都不要。
⇒ See also trade in
■If people trade statements of a particular type, they say or tell them to each other 互相说
We sat around the dinner table, trading stories.我们围坐在餐桌旁,你一言我一语地讲着各自的见闻。
The two politicians didn't really discuss the issues, they just traded insults.这两个政客并不是真的在讨论问题,而是在互相辱骂。
[treɪd] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] trade sth in
■to give something you own as part of your payment for something you buy, especially a new type of the same thing 以…折价换购(尤指同类的新品)
He recently traded in his Jeep for a red Mercedes.他最近用自己的吉普车折价换购了一辆红色的奔驰轿车。
[treɪd] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   trade on sth
■to use something, especially a characteristic, for your own advantage and usually in an unfair way (为谋私利)利用
People are always trading on his generosity.人们总是利用他的慷慨。
This kind of advertising trades on people's fears.这种广告利用人们的恐惧心理。
He trades on his good looks.他利用自己的英俊相貌来谋取便利。
[treɪd] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   trade up/down
■to buy something, usually a house or car, that is of higher or lower value than the one you already have 买更贵/更便宜的东西(通常指房子或汽车)
My car is costing me too much to run, so I'm going to trade down to a cheaper model.我的轿车用起来花费太多,所以我打算卖掉它,再买款用起来便宜点的车。




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