temper UK ['tem.pər] US [-pɚ] noun ADVANCED [C often singular] ■when someone becomes angry very quickly 脾气;易怒•She has a real temper.她很容易发脾气。 •He's got a really bad temper.他的脾气真坏。 lose your temper ADVANCED ■to suddenly become angry 发脾气,发火•The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper.孩子们太不懂规矩,我不由得发了火。 keep your temper ■to succeed in staying calm and not becoming angry 不发脾气;保持冷静•I found it hard to keep my temper with so many things going wrong.这么多的事情弄得一团糟,我很难不发脾气。 be in a bad/foul, etc. temper ■to be feeling angry 生气,发怒•I'd avoid her if I were you - she's in a foul temper.我要是你,就会避着她——她正气头上。 [S or U] formal or literary ■mood or emotional state 心情或情绪的状态•He appears to be a man of calm and even temper.他看来是一个脾气温和、平静的男人。 UK ['tem.pər] US [-pɚ] noun tempers get frayed ■If you say that tempers are getting (rather) frayed, you mean that people are getting angry with each other. 互相发脾气 UK ['tem.pər] US [-pɚ] verb transitive REDUCE 减少 formal ■to make something less strong, extreme, etc. 使缓和;使变温和;使变淡•My enthusiasm for the venture was somewhat tempered by my knowledge of the work that would be involved.当我了解到完成这个风险专案计划所要做的工作时,我的热情多少消退了一些。 •I learnt to temper my criticism.我学会批评别人时语气要缓和些。 UK ['tem.pər] US [-pɚ] verb transitive METAL 金属 ■to heat and then cool a metal in order to make it hard 使(金属)回火;锻造•tempered steel回火钢 |