dozen ['dʌz.ən] noun countable determiner IMPROVER ■twelve 十二个,一打•a dozen eggs一打鸡蛋 •This recipe makes three dozen cookies.这份配料能做三打曲奇饼。 •Could you get me half a dozen (= six) eggs when you go to the shop?你去商店时给我捎半打鸡蛋好吗? •informal I've spoken to him dozens of (= many) times, but I still don't know his name!虽然我和他说过很多次话,但我连他的名字都还不知道! •The refugees arrived by the dozen] in their dozens (= in large numbers).难民们成群结队地到来。 ['dʌz.ən] noun countable determiner nineteen/ten to the dozen UK informal ■If you are talking nineteen/ten to the dozen, you are talking very quickly and without stopping. 说话快,喋喋不休 |