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单词 | strike |
释义 | strike [straɪk] verb STOP WORK 停止工作 IMPROVER intransitive (struck, struck) ■to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels or job losses 罢工 •Democratization has brought workers the right to •We're striking for [straɪk] verb CAUSE SUFFERING 使受苦 ADVANCED intransitive or transitive (struck or ESP. US stricken, struck or ESP. US stricken) ■to cause a person or place to suffer severely from the effects of something very unpleasant that happens suddenly 突然侵袭;使受折磨;使遭受重创 •I've got a life insurance policy that will look after my family if disaster •The disease has struck the whole community, sometimes wiping out whole families.疾病袭击整个社区,有时整个家族都无一生还。 •They predict that a large earthquake [straɪk] verb HIT 击打 intransitive or transitive (struck, struck) ■to hit or attack someone or something forcefully or violently 击,打;撞击;碰撞;攻击 •Her car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle.她的汽车失控,撞上了迎面开来的一辆车。 •The police have warned the public that the killer could strike again.警方提醒民众,杀手可能会再次下手。 •The autopsy revealed that his murderer had struck him on •Have you ever been struck by •My golf was terrible today - I just didn't strike the ball well.我今天高尔夫打得很糟糕——我就是打不好球。 intransitive or transitive (struck, struck)■When a clock strikes, its bells ring to show what the time is (时钟)敲,鸣,报时 •The clock was striking ten as we went into the church.我们走进教堂时响起了十点的报时钟声。 intransitive (struck, struck)■When a particular time strikes, a clock's bells ring to tell people what time it is (时间)鸣报 •Midnight had just struck when I went upstairs to bed.我上楼睡觉时,时钟刚刚敲过午夜12点。 transitive (struck, struck)■If you strike a match, you cause it to burn by rubbing it against a hard rough surface 擦,划(火柴) •She struck a match and lit another cigarette.她划了根火柴,又点燃了一支香烟。 •He lent down and struck a match on [straɪk] verb REMOVE 移走 transitive usually + adverb or preposition (struck or ESP. US stricken, struck or ESP. US stricken) formal ■to remove something officially from a document (正式从档中)删除,取消 •Please strike my name from •Several unreliable dealers have been struck off strike camp (struck , struck)■to take down your tents in preparation for leaving the place where you have been camping (离开营地时)拆除帐篷 •We woke up late and it was ten o'clock before we struck camp.我们起床晚了,撤营离开时已经十点钟。 [straɪk] verb DISCOVER 发现 transitive (struck, struck) ■to discover a supply of oil, gas or gold underground 发现,探测到(地下石油、天然气或黄金矿藏) •The first person to strike oil [straɪk] verb AGREE 同意 transitive (struck, struck) ■to reach or make an agreement 达成,制定(协议) •Do you think the government should try to strike a deal [straɪk] verb FEEL/THINK 感觉/想法 transitive (struck or ESP. US stricken, struck or ESP. US stricken) ■to cause someone to have a feeling or idea about something 给人以…感觉;让…觉得;使产生…想法 •Doesn't it strike you as •I was immediately struck by •So how does my proposition strike you (= What do you think of it) ?那你觉得我的建议如何? •[+ (that transitive (struck, struck)■If a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly think of it (想法或主意)突然闪现在…的脑海;猛然意识到 •[+ that •Sitting at her desk, she was struck by the thought that there must be something more to life.她坐在书桌前,突然意识到生活一定还意味着更多东西。 [straɪk] verb MOVE BODY 移动身体 strike a pose/attitude (struck, struck) formal ■to move your body into a particular position 摆出姿势 •She may be 67, but Joan Collins can still strike a sexy pose.琼‧柯林斯可能都67岁了,但她仍然能摆出非常性感的姿势。 •Bainbridge pulled up his sagging trousers and struck the pose of [straɪk] verb MAKE COINS 铸币 transitive (struck, struck) ■to make a metal disc-shaped object such as a coin with a machine that quickly presses a picture into a piece of metal 铸造;压出,冲制 •When was the first pound coin •A special medal has been struck to celebrate the end of the war.铸造特殊纪念章是为了纪念战争结束。 [straɪk] verb be struck dumb ■to be so surprised by something that you cannot say anything 震惊得哑口无言 •We were struck dumb when she announced she was pregnant.她宣布怀孕的消息时,我们都吓得目瞪口呆。 [straɪk] verb strike a balance ■If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side (在争论中)找到折衷办法,求得平衡 •It's a question of striking the right balance between [straɪk] verb strike a blow against/at sth ■to do something which harms something severely 严重伤害,沉重打击 •Her resignation has struck a blow against the company's plans for expansion.她的辞职对于公司的扩张计划是个沉重的打击。 [straɪk] verb strike a blow for sth ■to do something which supports or defends something 维护,支持,捍卫 •The judge's ruling has struck a blow for racial equality.法官的裁决捍卫了种族平等。 [straɪk] verb strike a chord ■If something strikes a chord, it causes people to approve of it or agree with it 引起共鸣,得到赞同 •The party's policy on childcare facilities has struck a responsive •Her speech struck a sympathetic ■If something strikes a chord, it causes people to remember something else because it is similar to it. 拨动心弦;使触景生情[straɪk] verb strike a note ■to express and communicate a particular opinion or feeling about something 表达看法,传达感觉 •I find it really difficult to strike the right •At the end of her speech, she struck a note of [straɪk] verb strike at the heart of sth ■to damage something severely by attacking the most important part of it 攻击…的要害,沉重打击 •By its nature, terrorism is designed to strike at the heart of our democratic values.从本质上讲,恐怖主义意欲破坏我们民主价值观的核心。 [straɪk] verb strike attitudes ■to speak or act in ways that make it very clear what you want others to think you believe or support 装腔作势;装模作样(说话或行动的方式,使你想要其他人认为你相信或支持甚么等,是非常明显的) •Some politicians prefer to strike attitudes on the world stage rather than deal with problems in their own countries.一些政治家喜欢在国际舞台上装腔作势,而不是处理他们本国的问题。 [straɪk] verb strike fear/terror into sb ■to make someone extremely frightened 使(某人)极度恐惧 •The brutal military regime has struck terror into the whole population.残暴的军事政权使全体人民惊恐万分。 [straɪk] verb strike gold literary ■to win a gold medal in a sports competition (在体育比赛中)夺金 •She is the favourite to strike gold in the 400 metres hurdles.她是400公尺跨栏的夺金热门选手。 ■to make large profits or to become rich 获利丰厚,赚大钱;发财•A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.少数幸运儿投资这家公司赚了大钱。 [straɪk] verb strike home ■to hit the intended place or have the intended effect 命中预定目标;达到预期效果 •The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home.雷射导航系统大大增加了飞弹的命中率。 •The government's message about the dangers of smoking seems to have struck home.政府对吸烟有害健康的宣传似乎达到了预期效果。 [straɪk] verb strike it lucky (UK also strike lucky) ■to suddenly have a lot of unexpected luck 突然意外得到好运 ■1. What would you do if you struck it lucky in the national lottery?strike 1 |
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