characterization (UK usually characterisation) UK [ˌkær.ɪk.tə.raɪ'zeɪ.ʃən] US [ˌker.ɪk.tə.rɪ-] noun IN A STORY 故事中 uncountable ■the way that people are represented in a film, play or book so that they seem real and natural (电影、戏剧或书本中的)人物塑造•The plots in her books are very strong but there's almost no characterization.她写的书情节性很强,可是几乎没有对人物的塑造。 •The film's characterization of the artist as a complete drunk has annoyed a lot of people.这部电影将那位艺术家塑造成一个彻头彻尾的酒鬼,使许多人感到不快。 (UK usually characterisation) UK [ˌkær.ɪk.tə.raɪ'zeɪ.ʃən] US [ˌker.ɪk.tə.rɪ-] noun QUALITY 特质 countable ■the way in which something is described by stating its main qualities 归纳…的特征;描述…的特性 |