释义 |
special needs plural noun specialized ■the particular things needed by or provided to help people with physical, mental, behavioural or learning problems, ranging from mild to severe 有特殊需求(下述人员需要的或提供以说明他们的特殊事项:有身体、精神、行为或学习障碍的人,障碍的程度从轻度到重度不等)•carers for children with special needs有特殊需求儿童的护理人员 •a special needs teacher进行特殊需求教育的教师 ■the people included in this group, for example within the educational system 进行特殊需求事务的人员(这个小组包括的人员,如教育系统内部的人员)•a special needs child有特殊需求的儿童 |