sideswipe ['saɪd.swaɪp] noun countable REMARK 评论 ■a remark attacking something or someone made while talking about something else 附带的批评;藉机抨击•During her lecture on her discoveries, she made/took several sideswipes at the management.她在介绍自己那些发现的演讲中,几次顺带批评了管理阶层。 ['saɪd.swaɪp] noun countable HIT 碰撞 ■a hit on the side 擦边撞击;侧撞 ['saɪd.swaɪp] verb transitive ■to hit on the side 擦边撞击;侧撞•The motorcycle turned the corner too quickly, and sideswiped a car coming towards it.摩托车转弯时速度太快,擦边撞上了迎面而来的汽车。 |