showing UK ['ʃəʊ.ɪŋ] US ['ʃoʊ-] noun PERFORMANCE 表现 countable usually singular ■the quality of someone's performance in a competitive activity (某人在竞争活动中的)表现•She managed a good/strong showing in the world championship, but was knocked out in the semi-final.她在世界锦标赛上表现非常出色,但在准决赛中被淘汰了。 •She had a dismal showing in the opinion polls.她在民意调查中表现不佳。 UK ['ʃəʊ.ɪŋ] US ['ʃoʊ-] noun PUBLIC EVENT 公共活动 countable ■an opportunity for the public to see something 放映;播放;展览•This is the film's first showing on British television.这是该电影首次在英国电视上播放。 |