sharpen UK ['ʃɑ:.pən] US ['ʃɑ:r-] verb transitive ABLE TO CUT 能切断 ADVANCED ■to make something sharp or sharper 使变尖;使锋利•My pencil is blunt - I'll have to sharpen it.我的铅笔钝了——我得削一下。 •figurative The company is cutting production costs in an attempt to sharpen its competitive edge (= in order to improve how competitive it is).这家公司正降低生产成本,以增强竞争力。 UK ['ʃɑ:.pən] US ['ʃɑ:r-] verb transitive MAKE STRONG 加强 ■to make something stronger 加强;加剧•Recent changes have sharpened competition between the airlines.近来的种种变化加剧了航空公司之间的竞争。 •The prison riots have sharpened the debate about how prisons should be run.监狱暴动加剧了有关监狱该如何管理的争论。 ■to improve 改善;提高•I hope this course will help me sharpen my computer skills.我希望这门课程能帮助我磨练电脑技能。 •I went to university to sharpen my mind.我上大学是为了让自己的头脑更加敏锐。 •We'll need to sharpen our wits if we're going to defeat Jack's team.要击败杰克那一队,我们需要更加聪明一些。 UK ['ʃɑ:.pən] US ['ʃɑ:r-] verb transitive CLEAR 清楚 ■to make something clearer 使清晰;使清楚•How do you sharpen the focus on this camera?这部相机的焦距怎么调清晰呢? UK ['ʃɑ:.pən] US ['ʃɑ:r-] verb transitive MUSIC 音乐 ■to make something play a higher musical note 使提高音调;使提高半音•You need to sharpen the A string on your violin.你小提琴上的 A 弦应升半音。 UK ['ʃɑ:.pən] US ['ʃɑ:r-] verb transitive Phrasal Verbs sharpen (sth) up ■to perform better, or to improve the performance of something 改进;改善•If the company doesn't sharpen up soon, it will go out of business.如果这家公司不马上改进的话,就会歇业关门。 sharpen up your act ■to improve your behaviour or performance 改进…的行为(或表现)•He really needs to sharpen up his act a bit, or he'll never get to university.他确实需要改进自己的表现了,否则绝对上不了大学。 |