seriously UK ['sɪə.ri.ə.sli] US ['sɪr.i-] adverb BADLY 坏的 IMPROVER ■badly or severely 严重地;恶劣地•Badly cooked shellfish can make you seriously ill.烹调不当的贝类会使你染上重病。 •He wasn't seriously injured - he just got a few cuts and bruises.他伤得不重——只是有些割伤和淤伤。 UK ['sɪə.ri.ə.sli] US ['sɪr.i-] adverb NOT JOKING 不开玩笑的 IMPROVER ■in a serious way, not joking 严肃地;认真地•Seriously now, did he really say that or are you just being silly?现在说正经的,他是真的这么说,还是你在乱编? •You're not seriously thinking of leaving, are you?你不是真的要离开吧,啊? UK ['sɪə.ri.ə.sli] US ['sɪr.i-] adverb NEEDING ATTENTION 需要关照的 take sb/sth seriously IMPROVER ■to consider a person, subject or situation to be important or dangerous and worth your attention or respect 认真考虑;郑重对待•The police have to take any terrorist threat seriously.警方必须认真对待任何恐怖分子的威胁。 •You don't take anything seriously, do you? It's all one big joke to you.你对甚么事都不当真,是吗?对你来说,甚么都是儿戏。 •She's sick of being seen as a sex symbol and wants to be taken seriously as an actress.她讨厌被人当成性感偶像,想让人认真地把她当成女演员。 •These young actors take them selves so seriously!这些年轻演员太把自己当一回事了! UK ['sɪə.ri.ə.sli] US ['sɪr.i-] adverb EXTREMELY 极端地 informal ■very 很,非常•They do some seriously good desserts there.他们那里的甜点很棒。 •That boy is seriously stupid.那个男孩愚蠢极了。 |