rubbish ['rʌb.ɪʃ] noun uncountable ADVANCED mainly UK (US garbage) (also trash) ■waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed 垃圾;废弃物•I forgot to put the rubbish out for collection this morning.我今天早晨忘了把垃圾拿出来让人收走。 •Put the empty box in the rubbish bin.把空盒子放在垃圾桶里。 •Take the old furniture to the rubbish dump.把这件旧家俱扔到垃圾场去。 ADVANCED informal ■something that you think is very low quality or not true 粗制滥造的东西,劣质的东西;废话,瞎说•The film was rubbish.这部电影纯属垃圾。 •His ideas are a load of (old) rubbish.他的想法真是一堆垃圾。 ['rʌb.ɪʃ] verb transitive UK informal ■to criticize 批评;狠批;贬低•Why does everyone rubbish my ideas?为甚么大家都把我的想法批得一文不值? ['rʌb.ɪʃ] adjective UK informal ■completely without skill at a particular activity 一窍不通的;蹩脚的•I'm rubbish at arithmetic.我对算术一窍不通。 |