rig [rɪg] verb transitive (-gg-) DISHONESTLY ARRANGE 作假 ■to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed (采取不正当的手段)操纵;对…做手脚•Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.这个国家以前的选举都受到了执政党的操纵。 [rɪg] verb transitive (-gg-) FIX IN PLACE 固定到位 ■to fix a piece of equipment in place 安装;装配•We rigged up a tent between two trees.我们把帐篷扎在两棵树之间 •The sailors rigged the ship with new sails.水手们给船装配上了新帆。 [rɪg] verb transitive (-gg-) rig the market ■to make the price of shares go up or down in order to make a profit 操纵股市 [rɪg] verb transitive (-gg-) Phrasal Verbs [M] rig sb out informal ■to put a particular type of clothing on someone 给(某人)穿上特别的衣服•[R] We rigged ourselves out in tracksuits and running shoes for the race.我们穿上了田径服和跑鞋去赛跑。 [rɪg] verb transitive (-gg-) Phrasal Verbs [M] rig sth up ■to quickly make a piece of equipment from any materials you can find 匆匆做成;仓促拼凑•I rigged up a temporary radio aerial from a coat hanger.我用一个衣撑凑合著做了一个收音机临时天线。 [rɪg] noun countable STRUCTURE 结构 ■a large structure which is used for removing oil or gas from the ground or the bottom of the sea (开采石油或天然气的)钻井架,钻塔,钻井设备•Safety precautions on oil rigs are designed to cope with fires and small-scale explosions.已经对钻塔制定了安全预防措施,以应付火灾和小规模的爆炸事故。 [rɪg] noun countable TRUCK 货车 mainly US a truck consisting of two or more parts which bend where they are joined so that the vehicle can turn corners more easily 铰接式货车;大型货车 |