释义 |
resonance ['rez.ən.ənts] noun SOUND 声音 uncountable ■the quality of being loud and clear (声音)洪亮的,响亮的,回响的,回声的 countable or uncountable specialized ■when something makes a sound as a result of vibration (= shaking) of another object 共振(某物由于另一个物质的振动/摇动而发出声音)•magnetic resonance磁力共振 ['rez.ən.ənts] noun QUALITY 特质 countable or uncountable ■a feeling, thought, memory, etc that a piece of writing or music makes you have, or the quality in a piece of writing, etc which makes this happen 共鸣(一个作品或一首乐曲使你具有的感情、思想、回忆等,或作品或乐曲中使这种情况发生的素质)•This poem has many resonances for me.这首诗使我浮想联翩。 |