resolution [ˌrez.ə'lu:.ʃən] noun DECISION 决定 ADVANCED countable ■an official decision that is made after a group or organization have voted 决议;正式决定•to approve/adopt a resolution批准/通过决议 •[+ to infinitive] The United Nations passed (= voted to support) a resolution to increase aid to the Third World.联合国通过了一项向第三世界国家增加援助的决议。 ADVANCED countable ■a promise to yourself to do or to not do something 决心;决定•[+ to infinitive] I made a resolution to give up chocolate.我下决心不再吃巧克力了。 [ˌrez.ə'lu:.ʃən] noun DETERMINATION 决意 uncountable (also resoluteness) formal approving ■determination 决心;决意;坚决•He showed great resolution in facing the robbers.面对强盗,他表现得英勇无畏。 [ˌrez.ə'lu:.ʃən] noun SOLVING 解决 [S or U] formal ■when you solve or end a problem or difficulty 解决;解除;消除•a successful resolution to the crisis危机的成功解决 [ˌrez.ə'lu:.ʃən] noun DETAIL 细致 uncountable specialized ■the ability of a microscope , or a television or computer screen, to show things clearly and with a lot of detail (显微镜、电视、电脑显示幕等的)清晰度,解析度等的清晰度,解析度•a high/low resolution image高/低清晰度图像 [ˌrez.ə'lu:.ʃən] noun SEPARATION 分解 uncountable specialized ■when something separates or is separated into clearly different parts 分解;解析•the resolution of oil into bitumen and tar石油分解成沥青和焦油 |