regard UK [rɪ'gɑ:d] US [-'gɑ:rd] verb transitive usually + adverb or preposition IMPROVER ■to consider or have an opinion about something or someone 考虑,思考;将…认为;看待•Local people regard this idea of a motorway through their village with horror.当地居民对修建横穿他们村庄的高速公路这一计划感到惶惶不可终日。 •Her parents always regarded her as the cleverest of their children.她父母一贯把她看作是所有子女中最聪明的。 ■formal ■to look carefully at something or someone 注视;凝视•The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.我走向鸟巢的时候,那只鸟怀疑地注视着我。 as regards formal ■in connection with 关于;至于•There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.资金筹备方面毫无问题。 UK [rɪ'gɑ:d] US [-'gɑ:rd] noun uncountable formal IMPROVER ■respect or admiration for someone or something 尊敬,尊重;关心,关注•The company holds her in high regard.公司很器重她。 •He has no regard for other people's feelings.他毫不尊重别人的感情。 in/with regard to ■in connection with 关于;至于•I am writing to you with regard to your letter of 15 March.兹覆3月15日贵函。 in this/that regard ■in this particular way 在这/那方面;在这/那一点上•The union is the largest in the country and in this/that regard is best placed to serve its members.这个工会是全国最大的,从这方面说,它可为其成员提供最好的服务。 regards [plural] formal ■greetings 问候;致意•Please give/send/convey my regards to your mother if you see her.如果见到你母亲,请代我问候她/代我向她问好/向她转达我的问候。 |