reader UK ['ri:.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable PERSON WHO READS 读者 ESSENTIAL ■someone who reads for pleasure, especially a person who reads a lot (尤指大量阅读的)读者,爱读书的人•He's a great/voracious reader (= reads many books).他博览群书。 •She's an avid reader of historical novels.她特别喜欢看历史小说。 ■someone who reads a particular newspaper or magazine (某种报刊的)读者•We asked our readers to write in and give us their views.我们请读者们给我们来信说说他们的观点。 •She described him as a typical Guardian reader.她把他描述为一个典型的《卫报》读者。 ■specialized ■a person whose job is to advise a publishing company on whether or not a book should be published (为出版公司提供书籍出版建议的)出版顾问,审稿人 UK ['ri:.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable SIMPLE BOOK 简单读物 ■a book designed and written for children who are learning to read (儿童学习认字的)读本,读物 UK ['ri:.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable TEACHER 教师 specialized ■a teacher, at British universities, just under the rank of professor (英国大学仅次于教授的)准教授•Alan is a Reader in History at Dublin University.艾伦是都柏林大学的历史学准教授。 UK ['ri:.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable DEVICE 机器 ■a device that helps you to read very small writing, or a machine that can recognize printed material 显微阅读器,阅读用放大镜;电子阅读器,电子识读机•a microfilm/microfiche reader微缩胶片阅读机 •an optical character reader光符识读器 |