rash [ræʃ] noun SKIN CONDITION 皮肤状况 countable or uncountable ■a lot of small red spots on the skin 皮疹,疹子•I've got an itchy rash all over my chest.我胸部出满了疹子,痒得要命。 •He came out/up in a rash after he fell in a patch of nettles.他摔倒在一片荨麻地里,结果身上就起了疹子。 •If you stay in the sun too long you'll get (a) heat rash.如果你在阳光下呆得太久,就会生痱子。 [ræʃ] noun LARGE NUMBER 大量 a rash of sth ■a large number of unpleasant events of the same type (一下子出现的)大量令人不快的事•There has been a rash of robberies/accidents/complaints in the last two months.过去两个月中,突然发生很多起抢劫案/一下出了很多宗事故/接二连三收到多宗投诉。 [ræʃ] adjective ■careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result 轻率的;鲁莽的;毛躁的•That was a rash decision - you didn't think about the costs involved.那个决定太轻率了——你没有考虑到这样做的代价。 •[+ to infinitive] I think it was a bit rash of them to get married when they'd only known each other for a few weeks.我觉得他们刚认识几周就结婚有些草率。 |