beckon ['bek.ən] verb intransitive or transitive ■to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer (向…)点头或招手,(向…)打手势•The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter.海关官员示意那妇人到他桌前来。 •"Hey you!", she called, beckoning me over with her finger.“嘿,我在叫你呢!”她喊道,并用手指示意我过去。 •He beckoned to me, as if he wanted to speak to me.他给我打手势,好像是要跟我说甚么。 intransitive ■If something beckons, it attracts people 吸引;引诱•For many young people, the bright lights of London beckon, though a lot of them end up sleeping on the streets.尽管其中许多人最终落得要露宿街头,但伦敦璀璨的灯火仍旧吸引许多年轻人。 intransitive ■If an event or achievement beckons, it is likely to happen 有可能发生;召唤•She's an excellent student, for whom a wonderful future beckons.她是个优秀的学生,美妙的前程在召唤她。 |