bay [beɪ] noun countable COAST 海滨 ADVANCED ■a part of the coast where the land curves in so that the sea is surrounded by land on three sides 湾,海湾•We sailed into a beautiful, secluded bay.我们驶进了一个美丽、僻静的海湾 。 •Dublin Bay都柏林湾 •the Bay of Naples那不勒斯海湾
[beɪ] noun countable SPACE 空间 ■a partly surrounded or marked space 间隔区,限定区域•Visitors must park their cars in the marked bays.来访者必须把车停在划定的区域内。 ⇒ See also sickbay [beɪ] noun countable TREE 树 (also bay tree) ■a small evergreen (= never losing its leaves) tree which has leaves that are used to add flavour to cooking 月桂树 [beɪ] noun countable HORSE 马 ■a brown horse 栗色马 [beɪ] noun countable hold/keep sth/sb at bay ■to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming you 阻止,遏制(令人不快的事物)•Exercise can help keep fat at bay.锻炼身体有助于防止变胖。 [beɪ] noun countable at bay ■If an animal is at bay, it is about to be caught or attacked. (动物)被包围,走投无路 [beɪ] verb intransitive ■(of dogs and wolves) to make a low and long deep cry repeatedly (狗或狼)叫,吠 [beɪ] verb intransitive bay for blood disapproving ■If a group of people are baying for blood, they want someone to be hurt or punished 要求暴力相向;要求惩罚(某人)•By now the crowd was baying for blood.此时,人群在大声要求惩罚相关人等。 |