pocket money noun uncountable CHILD'S MONEY 孩子的钱 mainly UK (US allowance) ■an amount of money which parents regularly give to their child to spend as they choose 零用钱•My mum gives me £5 a week pocket money.妈妈每周给我五英镑零用钱。 noun uncountable ADULT'S MONEY 成人的钱 ■money for spending on your own personal things 日常零用钱•I make a little pocket money delivering catalogues.我靠着发购物指南来赚点零用钱。 ■UK informal ■not enough money 极少的钱•I work really hard at this job, and all I get paid is pocket money.这份工作我做得非常辛苦,但赚到的钱却少得可怜。 |