plainly ['pleɪ] adverb CLEARLY 明显地 ■clearly or obviously 明显地•This is plainly wrong.这显然是错的。 •Every footstep could be plainly heard.每个脚步声都清晰可辨。 •The men had plainly lied.很明显,这些人撒了谎。 •Plainly, a great deal of extra time will be needed for the security checks.显然,安全检查还需要很长时间。 •The incentive to sell more is large - and it plainly works.给予销量更多者的奖励很丰厚 ——这招显然奏效了。 ['pleɪ] adverb WITH NOTHING ADDED 朴素 ■simply and without a lot of decoration 朴素地,简朴地•a plainly furnished room陈设简单的房间 |