basically ['beɪ.sɪ.kli] adverb ESSENTIAL ■used when referring to the main or most important characteristic or feature of something 基本上•Basically, (= The most important thing is that) they want a lot more information about the project before they'll put any money into it.基本上,他们在把钱投入这项企划之前,想要对它有更深入的了解。 •"So what's the difference between these two TVs?" "Well, they're basically the same , but the more expensive one comes with a remote control."“那么,这两台电视机有甚么差别呢?”“嗯,它们基本上是一样的,只不过贵的那台附有遥控器。” •The car's basically sound (= in good condition) , but the paintwork needs a bit of attention.这辆车基本上还可以,只是漆面还需要处理一下。 •The village has remained basically unchanged for over 300 years.这村落300多年来基本上没怎么变。 |