petition [pə'tɪʃ.ən] noun countable ■a document signed by a large number of people demanding or requesting some action from the government or another authority 请愿书•I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.今天我在反对关闭当地医院的请愿书上签了名。 ■legal ■a formal letter to a court of law requesting a particular legal action (向法院递交的)申诉书,诉状•She's filing a petition for divorce.她将要递交离婚诉状。 [pə'tɪʃ.ən] verb intransitive or transitive ■to make a formal request for something, especially in a court of law (向法院)递交申诉书,申请•They're petitioning for/about better facilities for disabled people on public transport.他们正在请愿,希望当局能在大众交通工具上为残障人士安装更好的设施。 •[+ obj + to infinitive] I think we should petition the government to increase the grant for the project.我认为我们应该请求政府增加对该专案计划的拨款。 •legal She is petitioning for a re-trial.她将上诉要求重审。 |